Whale Alert is a collaborative effort to save endangered whales. Whale Alert – West Coast prevents whales from deadly collisions with vessels by informing NOAA National Marine Sanctuaries of the presence of whales near the shipping lanes off the West Coast, particularly off San Francisco and near the Channel Islands. Whale Alert – West Coast also helps prevent whale entanglements in Dungeness crab fishing gear by informing the California Department of Fish and Wildlife of the presence of whales in three critical fishing regions along the coast.
Whale Alert – West Coast wants to invite you -nature enthusiasts, fishers, and mariners- to help reduce whale strikes and entanglements by contributing observations to the program. The success of Whale Alert – West Coast depends on increased community participation and willingness to contribute observations taken while whale watching from land and at sea along the coast.
Whale Alert – West Coast was formed by The Office of the National Marine Sanctuaries, Conserve.IO and Point Blue Conservation Science, working in coordination with the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), to help save whales from human impacts. Visit the Whale Alert program to learn more about national efforts.
Download the Whale Alert Brochure and Whale Species Identification Guide.